Originally Posted by Camron Rust
So, you're advocating that tax evasion is OK? What does that say about the honesty/integrity of the official?
Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Everything I said was 100% factual...accusing no one specifically. The only ones who would feel accused would be those who actually are cheating on their taxes. I don't like taxes any more than you, but not liking taxes is not the same as cheating on them. And, for those, the accusation would be valid. If you feel accused perhaps you should amend your tax forms to fix that rather than attacking others who merely point out the facts of the situation.
You replied with a bunch of noise about state tax requirement, how hard it would be to get to $600, or what info schools collect, and people having the right to try to save money legally. None of that has anything whatsoever to do with the actual point of people deliberately and illegally under-reporting income and hoping to get away with it either because they got paid in cash or they were under the 1099 limits that would force the paying party to report the income to the IRS and how going to electronic payment systems makes it harder or impossible for people to cheat.
Call it dishonest, cheating or whatever else you like. I am not worried about an accusation, nor am I offended. Point out the facts as you see them and make your case, using whatever language you want. I am a constant advocate for the elimination of the pervasive political correctness that is forced upon us both here and in real life. I have my reasons for doing what I do and I am comfortable with them. Nothing you or anyone else here says is going to change my stance in this matter. However, before you start questioning other peoples integrity, you should make sure you are one of the select few people who follows all rules and laws all the time. Anything less, just makes you a hypocrite.