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Old Mon Mar 31, 2014, 07:45am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
That's a really poor argument.
You can't justify not penalizing an act which is clearly illegal because you either couldn't determine the legality of an action which preceeded it or simply failed to properly penalize an earlier action.
Yes I can, because I should have penalized the initial illegal contact by the defender. Why would it be more egregious to not penalize A1's actions?

It's not like we're talking about acts that happened 10 seconds apart or on separate plays. There's a body bump followed immediately by a push-off. Put your whistle on the initial illegal act.

That body bump is a foul on every single NCAA-Men's video John Adams has put out this season.
A-hole formerly known as BNR

Last edited by Raymond; Mon Mar 31, 2014 at 07:58am.
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