Tue Mar 25, 2014, 03:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 648
Originally Posted by Andy
NFHS Rule 8, Section 9 is titled COURTESY RUNNER.
The interpretation that I have been given is that all rules in that section are specific to the situation of a courtesy runner, including article 2.
The requirement for the visiting pitcher and catcher to face one batter in the bottom of the first inning only applies IF one of those players reaches base in the top of the first and a courtesy runner is used. If that was a blanket requirement, it would be mentioned in another part of the rules as well.
So...based on that interp and given the OP, once the DP got on base in the top of the first and the coach requested a courtesy runner, the umpire would be correct in denying the request. If the coach then said, my DP will play defense for my FLEX and be the pitcher, a courtesy runner would be allowed at that time.
I guess this is the core of my OP... do all concur?