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Old Mon Mar 24, 2014, 09:27am
Rob1968 Rob1968 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post

I know many of you have impeccable credentials and I'm not trying to undermine them.

I would never question anyone's integrity. Even if it's technically a travel (I'm saying that for discussion purposes only) I just don't see it picked up and I don't see it called in real time in the floor. Not at this level, not at the D1 level. Why would it get called at a lower level?

A better philosophical discussion would be whether it makes sense for anyone to call something that not a single participant, coach, media person, or fan expects to be called. Can anyone find a single comment on this play other than on the officiating forum?
1998 D1 Men summer tournament, I called an obvious travel near the end of a Bronze medal game, on a breakaway dunk . . . it nearly cost me my contract. Our Supervisor was there, and let me know that although the call might be correct, by the rule, nobody wanted it called and in such a case, I should let it go . . .
To be good at a sport, one must be smart enough to play the game -- and dumb enough to think that it's important . . .
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