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Old Tue Feb 25, 2014, 03:44pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by HokiePaul View Post
If they got to the point where they had yelled "five" over an over then, either 1) their initial count was so commically fast that it couldn't be seriously and probably directed at the thrower to add confusion (like yelling "ball ball ball" while guarding the opponent), or 2) the official needs to practice the timing of his/her count as it probably is slow. I just tried it and took me 2 seconds to yell "five" four times.

I just can'r realistically picture this happening in a manner as extreme as is being suggested. But "technicals" tend to call themselves, and it one is needed in this case, it should be obvious to everyone.
How about a player counting out loud 1-2-3 on a player in the paint? Or a coach?
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