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Old Sat Feb 22, 2014, 11:00am
justacoach justacoach is offline
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Originally Posted by JetMetFan View Post
On #1 I have a PC. B1 attained LGP as A1 was crossing the division line and I didn't see anything to indicate he lost LGP after that. The forearm didn't help A1's cause.

On #2...that falls into the category of a "lose a game check" offense. As I mentioned in another thread, supervisors can deal with it if we kick calls but messing up a rule is another story.
110% concur on both accounts.

1-Scratched my head for a long time about the 'Defender tried to get in A1's path but was not able to do so with 2 feet down to get LGP before contact.' part of Camron's post. Never thought the rules had a requirement for establishing, much less maintaining LGP coincident with the illegal contact.
I always train new officials that there is a video and not a snapshot that needs to be evaluated for block vs charge plays.

2-How in heII can 4 D-1 officials botch such an obvious call?
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