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Old Sat Feb 08, 2014, 02:41pm
bisonlj bisonlj is offline
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
49ers hit on Seahawks TE: probably a good call. I can see both sides to the argument. Mike Pereira liked it so I will defer to his judgement.

Holding on Aldon Smith by Russell Okung: bad no-call. Pretty clear holding.

Shove OOB by 49ers player: probably bad call. Not enough to draw a 15 yard personal foul.

Intentional grounding not called: from the end zone camera angle it was a close play. I thought Wilson was still in the pocket, but it could go either way.

I do not know anything about the timing issues, someone else will have to address those.
I liked the UNR call. The defender clearly launched. It was only by luck that helmets didn't collide. Don't leave your feet and turn into a missile if you don't want to be subject to a foul. If that technically wasn't a foul it should be a foul.

There was not enough restriction on the Okung block to be a foul. Very borderline if it had been called. Make them big. I like the no-call.

I liked the PF on the push OOB. There was absolutely no reason for him to do anything at that point and the push was well after the ball had passed and out of bounds. Like the UNR, don't force the official to make a decision. You may not like his decision.

I read an article from a SF columnist who broke down this video and he said he saw a coach's video that showed Wilson likely did get outside the tackle box. Either way it was close and I would assume the "when-in-doubt" on this is to say he's out.

The DOG call is easy. The clock stopped when the runner went out of bounds. The play clock starts immediately but the game clock starts when the ball is spotted. A 6-second gap is very reasonable. The other one is odd but for some reason the officials called a timeout and reset the play clock. There are several possible reasons for it.
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