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Old Fri Feb 07, 2014, 11:51am
Insane Blue Insane Blue is offline
Call it as I see it.
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Originally Posted by strike4 View Post
Thanks for all the comments. They caused me to think a little deeper about the rules.

Based on some of the comments, let me add an additional thought to the question. Would it make a difference in how you ruled if the charging fielder stopped or slowed down because the runner slid between her and the ball on an initial play? Is contact necessary before you would call interference?
No it would not the initial play is over once the ball was deflected.

Are you just trying to get us all to call an out no matter how legal the play is???
"I couldn't see well enough to play when I was a boy, so they gave me a special job - they made me an umpire." - President of the United States Harry S. Truman
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