Originally posted by CDcoach
Well I umped two games last night first game i was PU...no problems...had the first HR of the season on that field. But then the second game I was BU and the game was pretty wild.
The PU more than likely made a couple mistakes and it made coaches mad...it was a new kid and he had a hard time standing up for himself so I had to help him through it and ended up being the bad guy for his bad calls. Basically the call in question...2-2 count kid hits it straight down and from my view it hits the plate and goes fair...out at first inning over...however coaches complain to me that it hit his foot, foul ball. I explain my view to the manager and PU lost his view with a popping catcher. So then the third base coach gets in my face and yells "Make the decision!" I probably would have tossed him for that had I not known that they were probably right and we probably blew the call. I said "I've made my decision talk to your manager". I tellt he manager that he is to be responsible for communications between me and the team and that his team had a warning. Manager is a real calm level headed guy and he understood. Game goes on with people questioning every ball and strike my PU called. After the game kids are shaking hands and he approaches us again and says..."I wasn't trying to come off as a jerk earlier but him and his cocky a$$ attitude." (Reminder:I didn't say a word until he was yelling 6" from my face). Then he says he's gonna put on a f***ing umpire clinic and make a fortune. I tell him that he is ejected and may not attend thier next played game. It goes on and on but in the end security was there and he is not attending anymore of his games at the park this year because he was not sober.
My question...should I have thrown him out at the first yelling in my face to prevent this...or what could I have done to prevent this? After thinking I think I probably should have thrown him for being intoxicated...I wasn't sure but he acted like he was pretty gone. Just needed your opinion on how you handle it when you think there might of been a blown call....how far do you let the coaches go?
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Has no place whatsoever at a youth baseball game PERIOD!!!
I would have dumped him after the first incident, mainly cuz at my plate meetings I explain to the managers that they are the team liason, we will be happy to explain a rules interp, but judgement calls will not be discussed. AND,any coaches other than manager jumps on us, he will be sent packing PERIOD.
My very first season(10 years ago), I show up for a 9-10 game, one asst. coach had alcohol on his breath(this was the casual "hey coach, how's it goin?") I then told him to leave, now. Told the skipper what was up and reported it to the league, he was banned for a year. I have kids that play now, I DO NOT expect or tolerate any alcohol on or around the fields.......BTW, check out my "Todays Drunk" post from Mothers Day down below......