Thread: Crazy Night
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Old Thu Jun 19, 2003, 05:39pm
jicecone jicecone is offline
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First of all why are you hanging around after the game is over? Were you responsible for the handshake. Get out of there. I've seen too many officials that go out of there way to make sure everyone shakes there hand and tell them if they did a good job or not. A sure sign of insecurity.

Then if your leaving the field, the coach has to chase you down. I say, "Have a good day sir". He keeps chasing me, I report him to my assignor, who in turn reports him to the league. At some point if it gets out of hand, you call security an let them handle it. As you did. Also make sure you leave WITH your partner.

Staying on that field, can be taken as your willingness to be confrontational. Especially if you know this coach has it in for you. This could considered , "baiting the coach".
Get out there.

If you ever feel that the base coach is intoxicated, GET THE MANAGER to handle the situation. Tell him to either replace his coach or the game will be halted until security arrives. To try and reason with an intoxicated person, is almost impossible. Get the manager to do your dirty work.

This also works a lot better if you have no way to prove that the coach is indeed intoxicated. It is not uncommon for someone to have a beer or two before a game. Be cautious about making accusations, but be safe.
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