Originally Posted by BryanV21
"Lateral" movement (in terms of the rule) is related to the movement of the dribbler. The rule book doesn't stop at "the guard may move laterally or obliquely", but continues by saying "...to maintain position".
In this case, the defender did not "maintain position", as his movement sideways caused him to be closer to the dribbler than he originally was when he gained LGP.
So again... what did the dribbler do wrong? He tried going around the defender after the defender had gained LGP, as the book states he must do.
That's where the "gets head and shoulders past the defense" come in.
if the defense is so late to move that even a lateral move causes contact on the offense's side, then it's a block. But even if the move makes the distance shorter, if the defense gets there first, it's a charge.