Thread: Wwyd
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Old Thu Jan 30, 2014, 11:55am
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
One needs to decide what one stands for in life. This is HS sports in which we open every game by addressing sporting behavior with the coaches and captains.

I really wouldn't feel one bit bad about penalizing a school's team for a racist chant from it's student section. The only thing which would send a stronger message would be to stop and forfeit the contest. That is what is happening in European soccer matches when the crowd gets racial with the players.

Sports is a part of life with one of several purposes being to teach people about how to interact with others. Think about the reason behind having the modern Olympic Games. I have decided to put the principles of character and civil behavior above the competitive aspects of a sporting contest. In the grand scheme, the game and any penalties suffered within it are secondary to the life lessons taken from it.
I think one can take this stand without being the guy who called a T on the crowd for something the game management is taking care of (assuming they take care of this). I will suspend the game, telling the site management that we will resume once the perps are escorted out, before I call the T.
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