Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Intentional or flagrant WHAT? You leave out the important part!
How about a player deliberately tripping an opponent during a live ball with the only contact being shoe-to-shoe?
What exactly is the standard that you are using to make your decisions?
Intentional (or Flagrant) Personal foul ... sorry I thought that was obvious in the case of a shove to the back. Two shots and ball at spot nearest to foul.
Camron Rust just summarized (better than I could) what I was thinking. The standard I'm using is to determine what exactly needs to be penalized. In the case of a shove during a layup, I am penalizing the act of shoving (intentional/flagrant personal). In the case of a untying a shoe, I'd be penalizing the unsporting act, not the touching of the shoelace (technical).