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Old Fri Jan 03, 2014, 07:44pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
All that baseball/softball stuff said... I had a strange one several years ago in football where no one knew the ball was live. I think I posted it here when it happened.

8th grade team lined up for an extra point snaps the ball to the holder, who was not yet ready for it and was standing up. Defense, for whatever reason, didn't rush in. Holder caught it and went forward to hand it to the snapper again. Snapper was, luckily for him, more than a yard back and facing the snapper (i.e. away from the goal line). Snapper puts the ball back down. (As an aside, at this point I notice my LJ has left his position under the goal post and sprinted for the goal line on his side - his first year, I gave him huge kudos for game awareness there).

Nose tackle, for whatever reason, picks up the ball and acts like he wants to hand it to someone (an umpire, we guessed later), sees no one and drops the ball. It rolls into the endzone. Snapper retrieves it.

Both of my partners blew their whistles and signaled the PAT good. Made for a fun conversation with both coaches. Defensive coach insisted something must have been illegal and they shouldn't get the PAT. Offensive coach was upset because in this league, 8th graders get 2 points for kicking or passing a PAT, and 1 for rushing. He wanted the 2 for kicking, and was upset he lost the opportunity.
If it was otherwise Federation rules, then his team got a gift, because the ball should've become dead when the D player picked it up.

This past season in a game I was coaching, both teams left a ball lying on the ground after a pass went backward 5 yds. I was trying to somehow shout to my players to get the ball while not letting the other team hear me. Wish I had a recording of myself trying to do that.
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