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Old Thu Jan 02, 2014, 03:11pm
shagpal shagpal is offline
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Posts: 372
well, instigate, initiate, whatever. it certainly deserves postgame, and I would. but I think you are out of your mind to ponder anything during a game.

Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post

I don't think that word means what you think it does.

Initiate? Depending on partner, yes. If there's any likelihood partner's decision is a rules error, we have an obligation to see it fixed. If I don't know partner, or if partner is someone I know to be new, I'm absolutely INITIATING ( ) a conversation with him to ask him if his decision is correct by rule. This (potentially at least) is equivalent to partner ruling someone out on IFF with 2 outs. We fix rule errors if we know a rule error has been made. We're required to.

OTOH, if this is a partner that I know to be knowledgable on the rules, I let it lie and ask him afterward why he made the ruling he made (and why he was fishing in my pond). Until then (unless asked by partner), I assume he saw something from his angle that I did not from mine that made him make this call.