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Old Sun Dec 29, 2013, 02:37pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Saved By The Bell ...

Last night was the first time in thirty-three years that I’ve seen this (below, in red) play, and I got it wrong. Hopefully it will be another thirty-three years until I see the same play again.

4.44.5 SITUATION B: A1 dives for a loose ball and slides after gaining control.
A1 is in a position either on his/her back or stomach. What can A1 do without
violating? RULING: A1 may pass, shoot, start a dribble or call a time-out. Once
A1 has the ball and is no longer sliding, he/she may not roll over. If flat on his/her
back, A1 may sit up without violating. Any attempt to get to the feet is traveling
unless A1 is dribbling. It is also traveling if A1 puts the ball on the floor, then rises
and is first to touch the ball.

I should have known better. At least two, or three, times a year, someone on the Forum points out that this is that only time that a player can travel without holding the ball. Luckily, the horn to end the period sounded one second after I passed on the call.
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“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Dec 29, 2013 at 03:50pm.
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