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Old Fri Dec 27, 2013, 04:05pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Two Thumbs Up ...

Originally Posted by Scrapper1 View Post
Additionally, this is kind of a small thing, but it bugs me for some reason. We don't call jump balls. When the ball is tied up between opponents, we stop play due to the "held ball".
I only have a problem with officials calling this a jump ball, instead of a held ball, on Forums like this. Back when they switched to the alternating possession arrow instead of "real" jump balls, they didn't change the signal. The new alternating possession arrow signal after a held ball is that same as the old jump ball signal after a held ball, so I still say, "Jump ball", as I give the thumbs up signal. I know that it's technically wrong, but I say it for old times' sake.

Plus, when the ball is tied up between opponents during the opening jump ball before the possession arrow is set, we really do have a jump ball (for a held ball). I had one the other night. Coach was right behind me (I was the umpire), and told me that we don't jump again but we go to the arrow. I told him that there was no arrow and to look at the table for one (I know this sounds really sarcastic, but it really didn't sound that sarcastic if you were there). Once he figured out that there was no arrow, he told me that the two original jumpers should jump again, not his little guard against the opponent's tall forward. Stupid monkey coaches.

Maybe we should come up with a new held ball signal, one with some kind of pointing in the signal. How about the "Walk Like An Egyptian" pointing signal?

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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Dec 27, 2013 at 04:29pm.
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