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Old Wed Dec 18, 2013, 02:36pm
SWKS SWKS is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 18
No Call...

I have a no call on that play. From the T or C position whichever he is in...I don't believe he can see when you gathered the ball. He might have a better angle than what we get to see here, but I don't have a Charge/Block call either, just and OOB and give ball to white.

I also don't see how some have a travel when A1 gets the ball unless there is a reverse angle we don't see to see when she pushed the ball to start her dribble.

Thirdly, I would ask the guy did he acid wash his hair before the game to make a move like that. At half, between games, or maybe a timeout, I would politley tell him to never do that again!!!!!!
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