Originally Posted by Rich
I'm not sure if you know this or not, but vBulletin removes the superfluous space. Go ahead, edit your post and see how many spaces there are from the period to the first letter of the next sentence.
And (yes, I did this on purpose) johnny d, feel free to continue being a jerk. The guy's posts are virtually unreadable and, yet, here you are defending him by trying to make some obscure point with me. I'd actually like to hear what the guy has to say, but I'm not going to bother trying to translate his text-speak into English. And I'm being nice by assuming it's just text speak, because the alternative...
(Why is it when I text someone I still manage to find the shift key and the punctuation?)
Thanks for granting me permission to continue being a jerk. I am quite sure I would have done so regardless.
If you want to consider facts, I have one that you failed to notice even though it is not obscure. I did not ever defend anyone's poor grammar. I will be nice and assume that you weren't thinking clearly at the time you made that statement because the alternative........