Thread: NFHS app
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Old Fri Nov 15, 2013, 05:49pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Confused In Connecticut ...

Originally Posted by Rich View Post
The NFHS has moved in the direction of eBooks.
I am totally in the dark in regard to ebooks, i.e. Kindle. As far as I know, kindle is something one uses to start a fire. If I purchased this ebook from Amazon, can I read it on my personal computer, since I don't have a Kindle, or any other type of ebook? Can items be cut, pasted, and copied, with the intention of posting citations here on the Forum?

Presently, I'm using a 2011-12 PDF rulebook, and casebook, to copy, and post , citations on the Forum. Eventually, rule changes are going to catch up to me, and I'll need a new rulebook, and casebook, source to copy from.

I can't go back to typing. Even with spell check, it's just not doable for me. I took a typing class, with Miss Dench, back in ninth grade, and that was a very, very, long time ago, way back in the mid-twentieth century. Despite all this time passing, it's funny how I can still hear her saying, "Sit up straight", like it was yesterday.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Nov 15, 2013 at 07:54pm.
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