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Old Thu Nov 14, 2013, 02:54pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by ballgame99 View Post
Hey I'm not a fan of poorly executed jump stops and think way to many of them are allowed to be no-called, but this one it is not clear when his dribble ends. He does a hard dribble down and then jumps off one foot. Somewhere in there his dribble ends. I can't tell when that is. If his dribble ends when he has already left the ground he is allowed to have a pivot foot when he returns to the floor, which is what he does.

I certainly wouldn't argue if this was called a travel because it is very bang/bang, but I'm not going to argue when it gets no called either.
This is my take. I think he ends the dribble in the air. It is not about the last foot that was on the ground that only matters, it is when they dribble stops and that occurs when he grabs the ball. And it is not obvious, it is not a violation. I am always going to give a player the benefit of the doubt. In a real game we cannot slow it down and see when the exact moment something happens all the time. And when you might not have the angle it makes it harder.

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