Thread: Cross Reffing
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Old Tue Jun 10, 2003, 09:48am
Mlancaster Mlancaster is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Posts: 127
I have also been "cross reffing" for the past 10 years or so...... HS and Women's college. I have greatly decreased the amount of college ball I ref in the last 2 years...economics, travel, etc.....Which has led to the biggest problem:
It is very difficult to ref 3 HS assignments (6 games) a week and fill in 2 or 3 college games a month. With the differences in court coverages and mechanics, I find that the 1st half of a college game is spent "thinking" too much about these differences, which detracts from concentrating on the game.....This is not fair to the players or my partners.
The lesson: It's time to either give up the college game or go back to a 50/50 split, so that both come naturally.

Then it's back to economics- Do I really want to drive 2-3 hours 1-way for $100-$150??????????
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