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Old Wed Oct 23, 2013, 05:08pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Afrosheen View Post
Personally, there are many times where I made an incorrect "out-of-bounds" call where my partner came up to me and asked if I saw it go off of 'so-and-so.' I can point to the many times with college and pro officials conferred with one another on a call. So if you're saying that as officials we should confer only when the calling official asks to confer then I would disagree. But I would only do it at rare times during the game where my partner might be kicking the rule, still though with no intention of overruling my partner. .
Yeah but they likely do give information on what they "think." They give information on what they "know" and they have definite knowledge of what they saw. And that also comes when it is not strictly a judgment call. Judging player control sometimes is a judgment call. It would have been better if you told him what you saw instead of asking a question as you appeared to do in your OP.

Originally Posted by Afrosheen View Post
So I guess before going further we must ask the question of how willing you are at maintaining the integrity of the game? If you believe that each individual's primary is solely to be judged by the official responsible then I guess we'll have to disagree on principle and leave it as that which means my followup question of how to approach your partner on certain calls would be moot.
This has nothing to do with the integrity of the game. We all have calls that someone might disagree with at some point in the game. That is very normal and OK. We cannot make every call perfect and certainly not perfect if you we all are not watching the same things.

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