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Old Wed Oct 23, 2013, 04:21pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
I did exactly this a couple years ago with a partner who is probably in the top 2-3 in our association. Throwin on my frontcourt endline is tipped around the FT line (no where near control) and it went into the backcourt where the offense gets the ball. He called a backcourt violation. You can bet I went out to him. He was happy to fix it once I told him that we couldn't have a backcourt violation unless he judged that tip to be player control.
Difference being in your case you had definite knowledge. In the OP, he "thought" player didn't have control and he was about 40' from the play.
A-hole formerly known as BNR