Thread: PF Ejection
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Old Fri Sep 27, 2013, 02:09pm
Suudy Suudy is offline
I Bleed Crimson
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 477
Originally Posted by bigjohn View Post
All I can say is it depends.

Most kids lie, I usually know the ones that don't. As a rule I would tell the kid "the official saw it and you are done for this game and next week."
Not that it matters from an officiating point of view, but what would happen beyond that? Any particular punishment (extra running, bear crawls, and long chat about his conduct and future with the team, etc)?

And in your area, how do you think other coaches would handle this?

I'll say for the most part the coaches here are pretty even keel guys. Most are also teachers/administrators at the schools and have an interest that goes beyond just winning games. There's only one school (at the varsity level) where we wonder about the sportsmanship of the team which we think is hampered by the coaching.

Just curious what your (and perhaps everyone else's) experience with coaches is on these types of things.
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