Hey BigUmpJohn,
I remember my first ejection. I made it half way through my rookie year. I had one coach (10-u rec ball) who would ride me every game I had him. I was trying really hard to not eject anyone my first year (I didn't want to be known as having a quick fuse). I spoke to my UIC about this coach and told him what was going on. He said if it's bad enough, warn him; if he continues, toss him. The following week I had him again. I put up with the strike zone comments for an inning. I told the coach that I wasn't going to put up with it. The next inning, he started again so I tossed him. I can tell you the adrenaline was pumping as I was waiting for the confrontation. It never came. He left the field without saying a word. Funny part is, after the game he found me and said: "Took you long enough. I was wondering when you would get your fill." We both laughed and I felt like that day I had become a blue! I can say it felt good to get it out of the way. Good luck the rest of the season.