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Old Tue Aug 13, 2013, 01:03pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by potato View Post
I used 3-4 steps before he held the ball and used the term pivot non pivot run after he grabbed the ball, i guess i should have used 3-4 alternative foot steps instead because i already tried my best to explain "left/right/left/right step", i have used the pivot non pivot foot run to describe the movement after the player held the ball. I can't be using pivot non pivot foot to illustrate the feet movement before the ball rested on the hand.

I mentioned ball on hand doesn't mean he's holding the ball from the bottom because i mentioned the player is not palming/holding/grabbing the ball, but merely ball is in contact with the hand and i'm not sure why a normal player is not capable of having the ball in contact with the hand for 2 seconds during a normal bounce without needing to palm/hold the ball and i'm not sure why a normal person is not able to move his left foot -> right foot -> left foot -> right foot quick enough to complete the movement within 1-2 seconds, i'm sure even a huge guy can tip toe fast enough.

Bounces ball on floor once -> Hand comes in contact with ball in legal dribbling position guiding the bouncing ball from waist up to shoulder or higher WHILE: "moving his left foot -> moving his right foot -> moving his left foot" -> grabs the ball with both hands to end his dribble & establish a pivot right foot -> moves his left non pivot foot and jumps off that non pivot foot.

above is my best effort in narrating the scenario without using the word step(s).
If the official judges that the player is holding the ball it is a travel or illegal dribble. If the official judges that the player is not holding the ball it is not a travel.

Why is that so difficult for you to accept?
A-hole formerly known as BNR