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Old Mon Aug 05, 2013, 10:40am
Manny A Manny A is offline
Stirrer of the Pot
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
I think we are missing something. When the manager comes out and motions with the left arm....he immediately pulls it back and tries to signal right arm. Watch his body language, he looks like a kid caught doing something wrong. Why would he have this reaction if he can call any pitcher he wants?
Again, my point (no pun intended) was that I have never seen anything written that says when a manager uses his left arm to signal the bullpen, he is officially announcing that the left-handed pitcher currently warming up must enter the game.

Someone else posted a PBUC cite that says a motion to the bullpen constitutes a new pitcher entry. Fine, I can live with that. But all that tells me is that the current pitcher is done for the game. It doesn't tell me specifically who is required to come in, unless there is more wording in the PBUC that wasn't posted.

Suppose only a righty is warming up, but there was a lefty warming up the previous inning. The manager comes out of the dugout, and inadvertently points to his left arm as he signals the bullpen, forgetting that his lefty is no longer throwing. What do you do then?
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