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Old Tue Jul 30, 2013, 10:55am
shagpal shagpal is offline
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Posts: 372
Was he all that?

Usually, those guys will brag about their resumes before the game.

Originally Posted by dilligaf View Post
Have you ever worked with a partner who just thinks he is the best thing happening to umpiring since the invention of the game? One of those guys who does not stay in his part of the field between innings, instead he tries to get next to you to tell you what he thinks you did wrong or what someone else did wrong. The same guy who is telling you that he is going to Nationals because he is considered the elite of the elite.

I just asked the UIC when I was on break to please switch me to another crew. It was getting that bad, and I never complain about a partner, that is what UIC's and evaluators are for. If asked, I will give my honest feedback however that is my limit. I have my own game to improve upon.

This guy even tracked me down at the end of the day and asked me what happened. I just told him that I was not at his level of excellence and me working a crew with him was making him look bad.

Have any of you dealt with a situation like this before? I know he reads this forum and will probably chirp in and not even think this is him that is being referred to.
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