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Old Mon Jul 22, 2013, 10:29pm
bbsbvb83 bbsbvb83 is offline
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Originally Posted by SWFLguy View Post
I'm having issues with heat exhaustion down here working the plate with an inside protector. I have a very difficult time exhausting heat and sweat away from my body and it creates a real problem. Years ago back north I used an outside protector for many seasons of baseball and some softball. I was quite comfortable with it, it never hindered my work behind the plate. I'm seriously thinking of buying one for next year. My question here is there anyone that uses one or knows of someone using one?
I love working the plate and think it will keep me in the game to use one. What do you think?
I should add that I am currently only calling FHSAA high school ball during the regular season, no more play-offs or "big" games. 74 years old and umpiring since 1958, near the end of my career.
The last time I used a balloon was five years ago, when I worked a lot of summer rec league baseball and softball. I used it for two reasons... the one Mark already gave and also because the ability level of the players was very low. The pitchers had a hard time throwing strikes and the catchers were happy to let the umpires serve as a backstop. It was difficult for me to get into the slot, and I found myself working more "over the top." Other than that, I had no issues at all.
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