Originally Posted by The_Rookie
45 seconds left in tie game..A1 fouls out and while on bench is mouthing off to my partner who called his fifth foul who was opposite the bench. I was right in front of A's bench and told the coach I can't have A1 talking from the bench to my partner and asked for his help to stop it.
Did I handle this in the best way?
From your description and the fact you're asking the group whether you handled it properly it sounds as though you have some remorse over not calling the T. Someone up the food chain told a group of us recently that we generally only regret the ones we don't call.
Back to the OP: I only just put the scene together in my head (hey, I'm old). Was A1 on the bench saying things to your partner that were loud enough for your
partner to hear 40-50 feet away? If that's the case then a T is a no-brainer regardless of time/score. Even if it was loud enough for you to hear - obviously it was - I don't think letting it slide is proper. A kid fouls out we all know there will be some grumbling but after that initial response (s)he needs to be quiet.