Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Just to want to make sure I'm clear on this. Any time the ball achieves backcourt status the time on the shot clock at that moment will determine your new 10 second count? And there will be no visible 10-second count unless the shot clock is off?
This is correct. The trail will have to know what the shot clock is on in order to have a proper 10 second count every time the ball achieves backcourt status.
Debbie did say that the Center can help with this, but they want the call coming from the trail unless the Center is ABSOLUTELY SURE that more than 10 seconds had elapsed while the ball is in the backcourt.
Originally Posted by jdmara
This is definitely a work-in-progress. During my NCAA-W camp on June 28-29, we were instructed to have the administering official whistle and wave subs in, but still have the T or C, hold their hand up. Clarification on what they exactly want will be demonstrated in the preseason videos.
Although Debbie would have a better idea of what she was looking for than an other member of the rules committee
Debbie watched games at Marie's camp for a day... She provided information with how they wanted it to be done. The Center or Trail (whoever brings the subs in first), will raise their hand to initially bring them in, but then pass off the hand in the air to the administering official. Much like we do now when we pass the hand in the air off to the Center official when we are going long.