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Old Wed Jul 03, 2013, 02:45pm
Crabby_Bob Crabby_Bob is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 286
LLSB: 7.08 - Any runner is out when - (a)(1) [blah, blah, wah, wah, wah] Note 1: [...] When a runner is off a base after a pitch or as a result of a batter completing a turn at bat, and while the pitcher has the ball within the eight (8) foot radius circle, the runner must immediately attempt to advance to the next base or return to the base the runner is entitled. Note 2: If the pitcher has possession of the ball within the pitcher's circle, and is not making a play (a fake throw is considered a play), runners not in contact with their bases must immediately attempt to advance or return to the base. Penalty: The ball is dead. "No pitch" is declared, and the runner is out. Eight (8) foot radius circle must be properly marked.
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