Originally Posted by UES
Great points Utah-Golf! I feel there needs to be a some type of deterrent in place because warnings may not always be the answer depending the situation, game, stage, etc. Hopefully, this will be addressed at the 2014 Regional Meetings in January so that we, as umpires, are all on the same page when something like this happens in the future. Thoughts anyone...
Please , if you think that every officials action on the field can be documented, instructed and regulated, then you need robots and not human beings. That umpire was in that game because of his ability to read between the lines of the rule book, and because of his experience. Its a personal trait that some have and some have not. Just like a natural hitter.
Officials will never ALL, be on the same page when it comes to interaction with players, coaches and fans. With as many books, guidelines, interpretations and rules that have been written and re-written over the years, a rookie will handle a game differently than a 10 yr, 20yr or 30 yr veteran. And even then, there will be variation based upon the veterans experience.
I once was transferred to a new location to start up a new office. The VP that brought me there, on the first day told me that he was putting me in that position based upon my experience and performance within the Company to date. He didn't expect me to call him on a daily basis to inquire about how to handle a situation. As long as I stayed within the Guidelines of the Corporation (RULES) it was up to me to set the place up and run the office. If I couldn't handle it then it would look for some else. That was 20 years ago and I still work for the same company 34 years now.
Sometimes you just have to umpire !