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Old Thu Jun 27, 2013, 02:31pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by Stat-Man View Post
Some of the ones I can remember for our city league (speaking coed SP):

* Both genders use the same sized ball.QUOTE]

I never understood why women use the smaller ball for slow pitch and/or when batting during co-ed games. I mean, many of these women played fast-pitch at some point in their lives. If a 12-year old girl can manage to catch, throw, and hit the 12" ball, what's the logic about going to the smaller ball once they're "grown up"?

And, if a woman is pitching in co-ed, why doesn't she get to throw the small ball?

Don't get all wound up - this is mostly rhetorical.
I have often wondered the same thing. My ASA state commissioner is going to try an invitational co-ed tournament with the men using a 14" ball and the women using a 12" ball...could be interesting to see how that works out.
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