Originally Posted by Publius
We're independent contractors and have no say in the administration of any school, team, conference or association. If you don't like it, don't work there. I certainly have my share of places I don't work because I don't like how they treat me, but I never once thought anybody owed me an apology. There are multiple coaches who bad-mouthed me publicly over the years, and when I was offered games to work where they coach, I just turned 'em down.
ozzy said it well:
We're going to have to agree to disagree here. This entite matter is a symptom of a much larger generational problem. There is virtually NO accountibility anymore for young men and women when they cross the line. This kid steps out of bounds and swears at an adult who's been placed in an authoritative position, and it appears the entire system makes allowances for it. In the days I played baseball none of the kids I played baseball with would have gotten away with something like this. Our coaches and school administrators would have supprted the official, and an a$$kicking woyld have been the order of the day by our fathers.