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Old Sat May 11, 2013, 11:48pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by HokiePaul View Post
Wish this were included for tipped shots as well. I've had a couple cases as the lead where an airball (shot from out of my area where I wasn't looking) has gone out of bounds and I have had to look for help from my partner to know whether it was a straight airball or a tipped shot. Or I point the other direction only to have my partner come tell me it was tipped and I change the call.

If I see my partner make a "tip ball" sign, I can make my OOB call without any doubt.
Originally Posted by Adam View Post
I hate the tip signal on shots. Yeah, it may save half a second on an OOB call, but it causes more headaches than it's worth. I have more plays where I call a foul while my partner is giving the tip signal (in my PCA) than OOB plays where I need help.
Paul, you signal tipped ball on the shot as I whistle a foul.

It's almost as bad as a blarge.

The tipped ball signal should never be used on a shot.
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