Thread: T or no T
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Old Tue May 07, 2013, 11:23pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by rockyroad View Post
And of course posts like this ( and your earlier ones to deecee) go such a long way towards keeping good young officials involved in the HS game. As you said, you don't give a darn what he thinks, and I would imagine that he doesn't give a darn what you think.

And as a couple others have already pointed out, there is no way you T a player every single time they fail to immediately give the ball to the nearest official after a whistle blows. No. Way.
I quoted the rule to show that there is specific rules support for issuing a T in this case. Naturally, experienced officials know that it isn't adhered to literally, but it is certainly appropriate to invoke when a player is being a PITA, such as the one in the video.

It really bothers me when people advocate officials put up with crap from coaches and players. They make all kinds of excuses such as deecee has done in this thread. What I see is blatant disrespect. For someone who claims to be an official to accuse anyone who would penalize this behavior of being overly officious is stabbing fellow officials in the back. So many of us make a tremendous effort to earn respect that it sickens me to see some (deleted) preaching that an official would be in the wrong to uphold that standard.

Last edited by Adam; Wed May 08, 2013 at 09:18am. Reason: rein it in
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