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Old Tue May 27, 2003, 10:57pm
RILAX RILAX is offline
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Don’t know if any one saw this in the UVA-Hopkins game (or the sports center highlights).

UVA’s goalie made a save and attempted to make an outlet pass up top center. The pass was intercepted and Hopkins player made a pass down to an attack man on the crease. The attack man shoots and after the save was made entered the crease. The saved pass went off into a second Hopkins attack man and he shoots the ball and another save was made.

Did anyone else see the Hopkins player in the crease? Not exactly like there could be a play on or anything like that. Did not affect the game since UVA eventually cleared the ball after the third save.

Also is it me or is ESPN’s announce (Leif-?) have less understanding of the game and rules then say Maden w/ his limited knowledge of football rules?
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