Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
I'm sure we have an official in Oregon who disagrees with this sentiment. He believes officials should absorb all costs associated the privilege of officiating basketball games.
Yes, Oregon does charge us. It is something like $3 every 2-3 years...they don't require one every year.
And it isn't a privilege, it is a job requirement. Many jobs have requirements...degrees, licenses, certifications, dues, etc. And then, you get a level of pay that is associated with meeting the requirements. Cut out some requirements and you get a lower pay.
From the state's Athletic Officials Handbook...
54. Officials – Background Checks
A. All officials who wish to be certified by the OSAA shall submit to a criminal conviction history screening that will determine whether they have engaged in any Prohibited Conduct. Any denial of certification as a result of this screening may be waived or modified by the OSAA Executive Board in individual cases if it determines in its sole discretion that there exist circumstances justifying such a waiver or modification.
B. Cost of this background check shall be included in the cost of certification for the official. (Revised Fall 2006)
And who pays is really irrelevant, becasue, in the end end, it is all the same. The schools are just going to look at the total bill when they consider how much they can afford for officials. They don't really care whether that money is going to game fees, travel, or a background check. If they cover the background check, they're going to fight for lower game fees or travel. It really doesn't change anything.