Mon Apr 22, 2013, 10:35am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 249
Originally Posted by upprdeck
1) A1 throws a pass in the front court, B1 deflects it into the air, B2 jumps from his front court and and catches the ball landing in the A1 front court
2) A1 throws in a pass to his back court, B1 jumps and deflects it into the air, B2 Jumps from his front court and lands in his back court.
3) A1 throws in a pass into his front court, B1 deflects it and A2 jumps and catches it landing in his back court.
so I believe in example 3 thats a violation as B1 touching the ball removes the exemption. the other two I am confused or perhaps all 3.
I've got (I think but I'm pretty tired) illegal 2 and 3. The same touching that removes exemption in 3 does so in 2.
Last edited by rekent; Mon Apr 22, 2013 at 01:04pm.