Originally Posted by EsqUmp
It baffles me why ASA would use a case play whose "result" is the same as a book/ground rule double. If they want to illustrate the point, they should really use "R1 on 1st base who has reached 2nd base when F7 kicks the ball."
They explain the ruling, but do a disservice to their own explanation by making it look like a regular two base award on a batted ball.
Not their greatest clarification.
Not only that, the play is totally far-fetched to begin with. Unless F7 is Lionel Messi, there's no way in hell a kicked ball from out there would enter the third base dugout before R1, who was heading to third on the hit, reaches third and the BR reaches first.
Of course, since the play mentioned that F7 was a male, maybe both R1 and the BR are in the neighborhood of 400 lbs. Then it would be more realistic.