Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
MTD, Jr., and I much prefer the PU/BU/off rotation. Here in NW Ohio we umpire in two different areas. The Toledo area and the Findlay area.
The Toledo area tournaments are either ASA or USSSA. The games are 1:25 long with 0:15 between games. Two umpires are assigned usually assigned on average six games in a row. It is next to impossible to use the PU/BU rotation and keep the games on schedule.
The Findlay area tournaments are ASA. The games are 1:30 long with 0:30 between games. A three umpire PU/BU/off rotation is used and the umpires much prefer this rotation.
MTD, Sr.
6 in a row????
Actually I've done it, but not because it was planned - and although I consider myself a pretty competent umpire normally, I'm not sure I can say the teams got my best towards the end.
and then I remeber (way back when I was the best umpire in the county
, and a few years younger I did 9 (1:15) in a row.
Funny thing is, I was so new, that at the time I didn't think there was anything wrong with it AND I thought I was as good at the end as I was at the beginning....