Thread: Obstruction???
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Old Mon Apr 15, 2013, 09:57am
RKBUmp RKBUmp is offline
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I feel your pain. I am also helping coach a local rec team and in 8 or so games we have played I have yet to see a single obstruction call let alone signal from any of the umpires. There has also never been an interference call nor a lookback call. It came to a head the other night when a blatant lookback violation was not called and ended up scoring a run. I got the umpire assignor and league VP together and asked exactly what rule set we were playing under because I certainly couldnt figure it out. I was told by the assignor they were allowing the umpires to use their "discretion" as to what they were going to call. I said, so in other words we are playing under a 10 different top secret rule sets at the whim of each different umpire?

My personal opinion is the rules need to be called. It is a learning experience for both the players and coaches. As it stands right now we have teams that are beginning to employ the baseball hijinx of runners trying to play games with the pitcher. We also have every team with their defense camped out on the bases (my girls included) because no one is ever calling obstruction. I try to get my girls off the bases, but there is never a penalty so they dont seem to grasp why they cant be there.
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