Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Scott, not trying to make it tougher, just trying to explain how these things get overworked and the more you twist something, the more confusing it becomes for many when that isn't necessary.
Thanks. I definitely read your earlier comments in that constructive way.
I just happen to learn by going over scenarios in my head. I was not trying to come up with "what-ifs" intended to confuse or to cast a bad light on the rule. Yes they were "what-ifs", but they were intended to test my understanding in various circumstances that might require a clear explanation to the OC or DC.
I agree that just applying the prior year's BOO rule, minus any out made by the incorrect batter, and minus the "skip the next batter if the one now due up is the one just put out" (non-coed), is the way to think about it in simple terms.
Bret: it sounds like coaches aren't the only ones on the field who are confused about the BOO effect.