Originally Posted by TwoBits
NFHS 2013 Casebook 9.1.1 Situation D:
I'm seeing Situation Oscar not Delta.
Originally Posted by UmpireErnie
Sadly we have no NCAA ball here in The Last Frontier. I was unaware of the language in NCAA about considering the force "at the time of the infraction".
Since that language is absent from NFHS rules, I can only go with the rules as written. 9-1-1-c says negate the run if the inning ending out is a force. But 2-24-4 (Definition of Force) says that the force is removed at the time the trailing runner is put out. So to call this appeal a force without the language present in the NCAA book would be to read something in that isn't in the rule.
9.1.1 Sit O clearly establishes that a properly appealed missed base force is to be judged at the time of the infraction.
Last edited by Crabby_Bob; Sun Apr 14, 2013 at 12:03am.