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Old Sun Mar 31, 2013, 10:18am
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Originally Posted by APG View Post
If you're going to use the signal, the timing of it has to be in not immediately so as to avoid the scenario where a partner might come in (rightfully or not) with a call. You come in late with the signal. Doesn't always work 100 percent of the time, but I think the benefits of using the signal outweigh potential negatives.

And I never liked or bought into the whole "if I'm not counting, he's not within 6 ft" line of thinking...could just very well mean one isn't paying attention. I'm all for signals, used at the correct time and not too over dramatic, that give extra, pertinent information. I can very easily shut a coach's complaint about not having a count, with a single signal, rather than not doing anything and having to come back to the coach and give a half smartass comment about him not being within 6 because I didn't have a count. It's also why I personally don't have a problem seeing officials give the verticality signal on certain plays or the gator chop.
I really despise the tip, but largely because it's typically given before the players even hit the floor. I had one this year in a ymca game, L is giving the tip signal on a shot at the FT line. Defender got the arm, not the ball, I have a foul.
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