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Old Sat Mar 30, 2013, 04:26pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
Are you saying they're not, or trying to justify the missed calls somehow?
In order to travel you have to have possession of the ball correct?

Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
We've seen before on this board that one can apply the "hadn't finished gathering" argument to anything. But, especially on #2 here, that is ludicrous. It was a slow, deliberate move with the pivot foot ending up on the floor 10 feet away from its original location prior to the release.

Play #3 I would have called a travel at midseason in the 9-10 year old league.

"Come on, son. Don't forget, you have to dribble. You can't just run with it."
OK. And with kids that are very clumsy at that age I am sure you call a lot of them.

Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
I call them when I see them, and it was no trouble to see any of these.
No one is disputing your ability to see something, but that does not make it true every play you think is a travel is a travel in everyone else's eyes. I know not everyone here is going to agree with me on this issue. I have seen enough of these videos over the past year or so and seen the comments people make in relationship to travels. I just ask for it to be clear for rules based reasons, not because it looked a certain way. And I am certainly not going to go around thinking that my opinion is the only one that matters. You have said time and time again that you think these are passed on on purpose while sitting on your couch. I just find that ironic that is all.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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