Originally Posted by twocentsworth
Well there is an intelligent response....kudos to you, sir.
Well when someone makes this comment:
Originally Posted by twocentsworth
The T had to look thru the dribblers' and defenders' backs to see what the C had coming straight at him.
Sorry if your video review capabilities don't include objectively looking at what each official can see given their positioning.
...he better have at least looked at the video.
#1. The Trail kept an angle to see between A1 & B1
#2. B1 never has his back to the Trail and for that fact neither did A1
#3. The C had Black #3 directly in his line of vision when he made the call
#4. A1 was going towards the endline, not towards the C when the call was made
#5. The Trail was about 5ft from A1 and B1 and the "foul" occurred at the top half of the free throw circle on the Trail's side of the court
But let's not have facts stand in the way of your smart-a$$ comments.
Kudos and good day to you Jack-wagon.