Originally Posted by cmb
I can't believe anyone could seriously think the L didn't give a signal. He blows his whistle and is sliding/hopping to his side while holding two fists high in the air. Let's not kid anyone here. That's enough for everyone to know he's calling a block.
Question for those trying to tell us the L didn't actually signal: in your opinion, at what point is the block signal actually made? Is it once the fists start to come down? When they actually hit the hips? Somewhere in between??
I agree with Camron. The signal was received, which means it was sent.
I have done the two hands up thing and then signaled a charge, I processed for a moment and made the correct call. It was never a block. The extra moment before banging my hips was enough for me to get it right.
The crowd (about 3500) didn't gasp and start screaming for what they thought I was going to call.
The only ones who knew it were my referee buddies, who texted me at halftime and said "nice save."
B/C's are usually bang-bang big moment plays, it happens.